Lebedev Sergey Nikolaevich
Chief engineer JSC "Bolshevik Mine" JSC «Sibuglemet»
"Degassing unit of MDU-180RV was put into operation at the mine «Bolshevik»,...
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Date of publication: 04.07.2013

The specialists of LLC "RDE "Factory of MDU" took part in the conference "Current technical and technological developments in the production, transport of gas and associated gas utilization", which was held May 20-24, 2013.

For discussion were the following current issues:

-problems with the cleaning of the gas stream at customer object;

- reducing costs and improving the quality of gas cleaning from mechanical impurities and droplet;

-repair and modernization of gas-liquid separation equipment at the customer's;

- new technologies for utilization of associated gas;

And much more.

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