Lebedev Sergey Nikolaevich
Chief engineer JSC "Bolshevik Mine" JSC «Sibuglemet»
"Degassing unit of MDU-180RV was put into operation at the mine «Bolshevik»,...
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Home|News|Exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining-2011"

Exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining-2011"

Date of publication: 06.09.2012

From 7 to 10 June LLC "TH KuzbassElektromash-Service" with LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU" and LLC "TMC" took part in the XVIII International Specialized Exhibition of Mining Technologies "Russian Coal and Mining" and 2nd Specialized Exhibition "Security, safety and the ability to live" in the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region. This exhibition is the largest on the subject of mining in Russia. This year, the Forum brought together a record number of visitors: almost 600 participants from 22 countries around the world such as Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Canada, etc.

The work LLC "TH KuzbassElektromash-Service" was awarded the highest award of the fair - the diploma of the Grand Prix in the category "Best exhibit" at the XVIII International specialized exhibition "Coal and Mining 2011" and 2nd of "Security, safety and life". Products presented at the fair LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU" received a diploma Grand Prix in the category "Best exhibit" for modular degassing units type MDU-RB, intended for preliminary degassing of coal seams developed, degassing of coal seams adjacent to the base of rotary pumps RB-DV production Italian factory ROBUSCHI S.p.A.



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