Volkov Alexey Yurievich
Deputy chief engineer for production LLC "Uskovskaya Mine" JSC «UCC «Yuzhkuzbassugol»
LLC «RDE «Factory of MDU» has delivered two degassing units of the MDU-110RB...
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Home|News|Exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining-2012"

Exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining-2012"

Date of publication: 07.09.2012

LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU” part of LLC "TH KuzbassElektromash-Service "- it’s a high quality and reliability.

 Not surprisingly, that at the International Exhibition - Fair "Russian Coal and Mining" and the specialized exhibition "Security, safety and life products” have won many awards.

 In 2012, it received the highest award of the exhibition - certificate Grand Prix in the category "Design and implementation of security equipment life" for modular degassing units type setting MDU-RB - This is the third highest award exhibition received LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU”.



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