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Home|News|Ukrainian-Russian Himalayan expedition

Ukrainian-Russian Himalayan expedition

Date of publication: 15.11.2011

First joint Ukrainian-Russian Himalayan expedition, launched under the slogan "Two countries, two peaks - one team," complete the task. At the top of the conquered were raised lumps of coal mined in the Donbass and Kuzbass mines, the flags of Ukraine and Russia.

LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU" sponsored Ukrainian-Russian Himalayan expedition.

September 20th, 2011 at full strength team flew from Kiev to the capital of Nepal Kathmandu. October 14 a group of climbers from the Donbass in the Igor Storozenko, Ivan Moldovanov, Vitaly Kutnego on "Japanese" route climbed to the top of Pumori, and the next day on the "classic" route climbed Pumori climbers from Kuzbass: Alexander Gaponov, Alexander Yermylov, Dmitry Mikhailov .

October 20th the team began to climb Ama Dablam. First climbed to the top of the Kuzbass climbers, and then on October 23 at Ama Dablam climbers climbed out of Donbass and two days later climbed to the top of the remaining group.

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